What is the meaning of point in the network of the cartographic map and real-life, movement, and physical awareness of the environment? The series of drawings study a possible language to portray visually and physically acquired perception by questioning the notion of transition between the mechanical movement and formation of knowledge throughout the exploration of land and sea. In the constellation of points, the drawing is divided into a straight lines projection of the destination, an actual traces of the physical act of locomotion and the point of presence in between. Our intention and goals might be very straight and it gets more apparent as we approach the coast closer and closer. However, our real journey and the path are never straight. A straight line is ‘the icon of modernity, which however does not connect, rather separates’ (Ingold 2016, 172). The real line of life is curved, in the abundance of dynamic shifts and fluctuating challenges caused by unexpected factors.
Huge Thank You to Tim Ingold and his book Lines
“There is no point at which the story ends and life begins.”
hand drawing, pigment ink, 102×68 cm